Keynote Speakers

James Suroweicki

Tuesday 08:30-10:00

James Surowiecki photo  James Surowiecki is the foremost authority on how to harness the collective wisdom of your organization for competitive advantage. He has written a well-received book on the theory and practice of "The Wisdom of Crowds", exploring why The Many Are Smarter Than The Few And How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies And Nations. Jim writes about systematic ways to organize and aggregate the intelligence available in your organization in order to arrive at superior decisions—often better than those that individuals would make, even if they are ‘experts’.

Robert C. Martin

Thursday 20:00-20:30

Robert C. Martin photo  Robert C. Martin, Object Mentor (known to many as "Uncle Bob") and author of Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices will give a conference banquet speech entitled "Oh, Agile!". He has been a software professional since 1970 and is founder and president of Object Mentor Inc., an international firm of highly experienced software developers and managers who specialize in helping companies get their projects done. A leader in the industry of software development, Mr. Martin served three years as the editor-in-chief of the C++ Report, and he served as the first chairman of the Agile Alliance.

Alan Cooper

Friday 10:30-11:30

Alan Cooper photo Alan Cooper is a pioneer of the modern computing era. He is credited with creating what many regard as the first serious business software for microcomputers, and his groundbreaking work in software invention and design has influenced a generation of programmers, designers, and business people and helped a generation of users. For the last 15 years, Alan's interaction design consultancy, Cooper, has helped companies invent powerful, usable, desirable digital products via his unique methodology, Goal-Directed® Design. A cornerstone of this method, Personas, has been broadly adopted across the industry. Alan is the author of two industry best-selling books, About Face and The Inmates Are Running the Asylum and is widely known as the "Father of Visual Basic".

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