See you at Agile 2009!

Expanding Agile Horizons

Agile 2008 will be an exciting international industry conference that presents the latest techniques, technologies, attitudes and first-hand experience, from both a management and development perspective, for successful Agile software development.

Why attend?

Agile 2008 puts attendees in contact with the latest thinking in the agile domain, enriching our collective body of knowledge, influencing the line of thought in the field, encouraging debate, and fostering innovative ideas.

It brings together executives, managers, software development practitioners and researchers from labs and academia. The conference is not about a single methodology or approach, but rather provides a forum for the exchange of information regarding all agile development technologies.


We are delighted to announce our full program is now published bringing together 400 sessions spanning the full agile spectrum.

Explore the latest program via the website, download program (please note this download version doesn't include last minute speaker changes and cancellations), or view calendar for main program items.

We have a conference wiki set up by Joe Little, the invite key is 'agile'.

There's also an unofficial live feed from the conference at which includes session reviews, photos and other stuff.

Keynote speakers

Our opening keynote speaker is James Surowiecki, author of The Wisdom of Crowds - Why The Many Are Smarter Than The Few And How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies And Nations.

Alan Cooper is known for his provocative insights about building usable software which make him a compelling keynote speaker.

Robert C. Martin, Object Mentor and author of Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices will give a conference banquet speech entitled "Oh, Agile!".


We are delighted to partner with InfoQ to bring you videos from some of the conference sessisons.

Please visit to view the schedule for publishing these. The first few films are already available.

Title sponsors
Platinum sponsors
Borland logo

Object Mentor logo

ThoughtWorks logo
Gold sponsors
Microsoft logo

Fabasoft logo
Silver sponsors
Electric Cloud logo   Green Pepper logo

SQE Training logo   Berteig Consulting logo

Sphere Of Influence logo  Intelliware logo

Industrial Logic logo  Wipro logo

Enthiosys logo  AccuRev logo

Net Objectives logo   Pillar logo

SolutionsIQ logo   Command Information logo

Danube logo   OutSystems logo

Klocwork logo   Serena logo

Improving Enterprises logo
Media & Other Sponsors
Tacit Knowledge logo  Agile Log logo

IBM Rational logo   x2a logo

Lithe Speed logo   APLN logo

Software Business Online logo   Projects @ Work logo

InfoQ logo>   Project Connections logo

Addison Wesley logo   Dr Dobbs logo

Methods&Tools logo   DSDM logo

Cutter logo   Agile Journal logo
Publisher of Proceedings
IEEE logo
