Wednesday Sessions: slot 1

The table below summarizes the sessions running on Wednesday 08:30-10:00.
For more sessions see Previous | Next



Speaker 1

Speaker 2


Main Stage

Natural Laws of Software Development - Deriving Agile Practices

Ron Jeffries

Chet Hendrickson

Grand Ballroom (East)

Main Stage

Embrace Uncertainty, why in Agile development knowing what you want may be an impediment to getting it

Jeff Patton


Grand Ballroom (Center)

Main Stage

Stop Thinking So Small with Agile

Ryan Martens

Jean Tabaka

Grand Ballroom (West)

Main Stage

Driving Agile Transformation from the Top Down

Peter Morowski


Grand Ballroom (West)

Main Stage

Resistance as a Resource

Dale Emery


Osgoode East

Open Jam

create your own session at the conference

Developer Jam

TDD Clinic: incremental design with Mock Objects

Steve Freeman


Osgoode West

Developer Jam

Clean Code Clinic: Dealing with CRRAP - Microtesting Legacy Code

Michael Hill


Osgoode Foyer

Developer Jam

Architecture in an Agile Organization

Chris Sterling

Michael Phoenix

Sheraton Hall C

Live Aid

participate in a real agile project at the conference

Legacy Systems

Agile at Scale: What it Takes on the Right-Hand Side of the Chasm

Scott Ambler




Fashion Cycle

Tobias Mayer



Committing to Quality

XUnit Test Patterns and Smells; Improving Test Code and Testability Through Refactoring

Gerard Meszaros


Conf. D

Learning & Education

Evolving Guidelines for Implementing Pair Programming in the Classroom

Laurie Williams

D. Scott McCrickard, Lucas Layman, Khaled Hussein

Conf. B

Learning & Education

The Learning Circle: an evolution of Agile for learning environments

Garry Berteig


Conf. B

Learning & Education

Coding Dojo: an environment for learning and sharing Agile practices

Danilo Sato

Hugo Corbucci,

Mariana Bravo

Conf. B

Learning & Education

Coaching Agile Teams

Rachel Davies

Liz Sedley

Conf. C

Breaking Acts

Real Options in a Nutshell - Bottled Common Sense

Olav Maassen

Chris Matts

Essex Ballroom

Breaking Acts

Starfish are agile!

Vinayak Joglekar


Windsor East

Breaking Acts

Value Stream Mapping - Extending Our View to the Enterprise

Alan Shalloway


Windsor West

Questioning Agile

Constituencies and Concerns, Reactions and Aspirations in Developing a Software System - Rev 0.5

James Bullock


Conference F

Chansons Françaises

Jeu de Direction

Yves Hanoulle

Bernard Notarianni


Agile & Organizational Culture

Lessons from Agility meets an eCommerce SaaS Product

Bob Galen


City Hall

Agile & Organizational Culture

"It’s not the pants, it’s the people in the pants": Learnings from The Gap Agile Transformation

Michael Elbaz

David Goodman

City Hall

Agile & Organizational Culture

Crawl, Walk, Run: 4 years of Agile Adoption at

Keith Nottonson

Kenneth DeLong

City Hall

Agile & Organizational Culture

Moving from Waterfall to Agile

Kalpana Sureshchandra

Jagadish Shrinivasavadhani


Agile & Organizational Culture

Tidal Wave: The Game Changing Transformation

Mun-Wai Chung

Sofyan Nugroho, & JF Unson


Agile & Organizational Culture

Transitioning Large Scale Project into Agile and Beyond: issues encountered and better practices

Eric Lee



Agile & Organizational Culture

Overcoming Resistance to Change

Dave Nicolette

Lasse Koskela


Customers & Business Value

Toward Enterprise Agile Scalability: A New Way to Look at Accounting for Agile Software Development Costs

Pat Reed


Civic Ballroom North

Customers & Business Value

The product owner team

Alan de Ste Croix

Alan Easton

Civic Ballroom South

Customers & Business Value

The Intermediate Customer Anti-Pattern

Tom Perry


Civic Ballroom South

Customers & Business Value

Successful Customer Collaboration Resulting in the Right Product for the End User

Sean Cohan


Civic Ballroom South

Customers & Business Value

Barely Sufficient Portfolio Management

Todd Little

Kent McDonald


Distributed Agile

Distributed Retrospectives

Jutta Eckstein


Conf. G

Distributed Agile

Panel discussion on troubleshooting distributed agile team projects

Moderator: Monica Yap

Panel: Peter Alfin, Christophe Louvion, Michael Spayd

Conf. H

Leadership & Teams

7 years of agile management

Rene Barto


Dominion North

Leadership & Teams

New Car Development in Toyota

Kenji Hiranabe


Dominion North

Leadership & Teams

Scaling Up - pushing Scrum out of its comfort zone

Richard Lyon

Marcus Evans

Dominion North

Leadership & Teams

Functional roles, managers and individual growth in Agile contexts

Moderator: Rachel Weston

Panel: Esther Derby, Hubert Smith, Tamara Sulaiman, Samir Shah

Dominion South

Leadership & Teams

Building Your Coaching Skills

Johanna Rothman



User Experience

Mental Models: Sparking Creativity Through Empathy

Indi Young



User Experience

The Design Studio: Interface Design for Agile Teams

Jim Ungar



User Experience

An Agile Approach to Proposition Assessment

Luke Barrett



Agile Vendors

Think Agile : Stay Ahead of the Curve

Roshan Uttangi



Agile Vendors

Enterprise Scrum: Lessons Learned from Real Implementations

Jim Schiel

