Friday Sessions: slot 1

The table below summarizes the sessions running on Friday 08:30-10:00.
For more sessions see Previous | Next



Speaker 1

Speaker 2


Main Stage

Agility and SOA - Experiences with System Landscapes under Maintenance

Nicolai Josuttis


Grand Ballroom (East)

Main Stage

Do the Right Things: Adapting Requirements Practices for Agile Projects

Ellen Gottesdiener


Grand Ballroom (West)

Open Jam

create your own session at the conference

Tools for Agility

Collaboration Explained--Tools for Facilitating Real Agile Teams

Jean Tabaka


Sheraton Hall A

Tools for Agility

Test Driven Development for Data Management projects using FIT4Data

Adrian Mowat


Sheraton Hall B

Developer Jam

TDD Clinic: NUnit

James Newkirk


Osgoode West

Developer Jam

Acceptance Testing Clinic: FitNesse

Micah Martin


Osgoode Foyer

Live Aid

participate in a real agile project at the conference

Legacy Systems

How to be Agile with Fragile Large Legacy Applications?

Vandana Shah

Ainsley Nies


Legacy Systems

Legacy Stage Wrap-Up

Angela Martin

Michael Feathers



Style and Taste in Writing FIT Documents

Mike Hill

Steve Freeman


Committing to Quality

Effective Pairing: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Dave Nicholette


Conf. D

Learning & Education

Using the Unified Process a Scaling Framework for Scrum

Mike Cottmeyer

Brian Sondergaard

Conf. C

Breaking Acts

Starting a Kanban System for Software Engineering with Value Stream Maps and Theory of Constraints

Corey Ladas


Essex Ballroom

Breaking Acts

Separation of concerns: How to decrease coupling and to raise cohesion

Mario Cardinal


Windsor East

Breaking Acts

Estimating Relative Complexity

Steve Bockman


Windsor West

Questioning Agile

Questioning the Perception of Agile

Damon Poole


Conference F

Chansons Françaises

Mon langage est plus gros que le tien

Arnaud Bailly



Agile & Organizational Culture

Planning and Facilitating Release Retrospectives

Michael Maham


City Hall

Agile & Organizational Culture

The (Fr)Agile Organisation

Marcus Evans


City Hall

Agile & Organizational Culture

Integrating Software by Integrating People

Todd Little


City Hall

Agile & Organizational Culture

Throw-Away - But Recycle! How Scrum affects the PMO

Joe Krebs



Agile & Organizational Culture

Integrating Scrum with the Process Framework at Yahoo! Europe

Karl Scotland

Alexandre Boutin


Agile & Organizational Culture

The Tail and the Dog: Aligning Governance with Agile Project Management

Alan Goerner



Agile & Organizational Culture

Punctuated Continuity: Using Ritual and Ceremony to Avoid Process Fatigue

Michael Tardiff

Paul Dupuy, Jr.


Agile & Organizational Culture

Agility Night Live - TV Sketches and Project Stories

Ken Collier


Osgoode East

Agile & Organizational Culture

Extreme Interviewing: Finding the Right People for Your Agile Team

Lisamarie Babik

Clement "James" Goebel


Customers & Business Value

Product Innovation Debate: Who should drive innovation?

Thad Sheer

Luke Hohmann

Civic Ballroom North

Customers & Business Value

Dude, Where's Our Release Plan?

David Hussman


Civic Ballroom South

Leadership & Teams

Searching For and Developing Agile Leaders

David Spann


Dominion North

Leadership & Teams

PMI and Agile – Oil and Water or Can They Co-exist?

Kelly Snavely

Tania Broome

Dominion South

Leadership & Teams

Dancing with the Agile Goddess

Israel Gat


Conf. G

User Experience

Meshing Gears: Real-world examples of how design and development integrate -- and fail to

William Pietri

Amanda Willoughby


User Experience

The UX Graffiti Wall

Peter Roessler

Anshu Agarwal
