Tuesday Sessions: slot 2

The table below summarizes the sessions running on Tuesday 10:45-12:15.
For more sessions see Previous | Next



Speaker 1

Speaker 2


Main Stage

Expanding Agile Horizons: The Five Dimensions of Systems

Mary Poppendieck


Grand Ballroom (East)

Main Stage

Open Source Businesses and Developer Careers

Dirk Riehle


Grand Ballroom (West)

Open Jam

create your own session at the conference

Tools for Agility

Rethinking Unit Testing: xUnit.net

James Newkirk

Brad Wilson

Osgoode East

Tools for Agility

APDT: An Agile Planning Tool for Digital Tabletops

Xin Wang

Frank Maurer

Sheraton Hall A

Tools for Agility

See Large Scale Multi-Stage Continuous Integration in Real Time

Damon Poole

Joshua Sherwood

Sheraton Hall A

Tools for Agility

Tangible Bug Tracking using LEGO bricks

Takeshi Kakeda


Sheraton Hall A

Tools for Agility

Test-Driven Ajax

Johannes Link


Sheraton Hall B

Developer Jam

TDD Clinic: BDD & Rails

Gregg Pollack


Osgoode West

Developer Jam

Clean Code Clinic: TDD Ping Pong Match!

Andy Maleh

Dave Hoover

Osgoode Foyer

Developer Jam

Continuous Testing: TDD Turned Up To 12

Ben Rady


Sheraton Hall C

Live Aid

participate in a real agile project at the conference


Behaviour Driven Development using Plain Old JUnit

Elizabeth Keogh

Dan North



Test-Driven Requirements: beyond tools

Gilles Mantel



Committing to Quality

The Tester Who Came In From the Cold: Helping Testers Make an Agile Transition

Lisa Crispin

Janet Gregory

Conf. D

Research Stage

Agile Orientation and Psychological Needs, Self-Efficacy, and Perceived Support: A Two Job-Level Comparison

Tali Seger, Orit Hazzan, Ronen Bar-Nahor


Research Stage

Scrum in a Multiproject Environment

Artem Marchenko, Pekka Abrahamsson


Research Stage

Automated Acceptance Testing: a Literature Review and an Industrial Case Study

Børge Haugset, Geir K. Hanssen


Learning & Education

Systemic Coaching Techniques for Agile Coaches

Michael Spayd

Doug Rosenberg

Conf. B

Learning & Education

(Re)Defining the Agile Coach

Erik Lundh


Conf. C

Breaking Acts

Agility, Evolution, Emergence, and the Primodial Ooze

Brian Foote


Essex Ballroom

Breaking Acts

The use of Ritual in Agile currently and identifying improving ways to harness the power of ritual

Mark Smith


Windsor East

Breaking Acts

Agile Game Development

Clinton Keith


Windsor West

Questioning Agile

A Model for Questioning Agile

Jon Bach

Scott Barber

Conference F

Questioning Agile

Trying to save a Scrum implementation using Lean Principles and

Rafael Santos


Conference F

Chansons Françaises

Introduction de la scène des Chansons Françaises

Emmanuel Gaillot



Chansons Françaises

Implementation Agile Internationale

Alexandre Boutin



Agile & Organizational Culture

Culture Stage Introduction

Marc Evers

Linda Rising

City Hall

Agile & Organizational Culture

Throwing the Agile Transition Party

Michael Hill


City Hall

Agile & Organizational Culture

Jazz improvisation as a metaphor for understanding agile development organizational behavior

Charles Suscheck



Agile & Organizational Culture

Learning Kaizen from Toyota (with MindMaps)

Kenji Hiranabe



Customers & Business Value

Converting Business Value into Actual Money

Luke Hohmann


Civic Ballroom North

Customers & Business Value

Establishing an Agile Portfolio to Align IT Investments with Business Needs

Joseph C Thomas

Steve Baker

Civic Ballroom South

Customers & Business Value

Using Agile for Buy vs. Build Decisions

Mike Register

Tod Golding

Civic Ballroom South

Customers & Business Value

Extremely Short Iterations as a Catalyst for Effective Prioritization of Work

Mishkin Berteig


Civic Ballroom South

Customers & Business Value

Feature Injection

Chris Matts

Julie Chickering


Distributed Agile

Agile Distributed Teams

Douglas Shimp


Conf. G

Distributed Agile

Creating Proximity over a Distance

Jutta Eckstein


Conf. H

Leadership & Teams

The Myth and Magic of Self-Organizing Teams

Kevin Wagoner


Dominion North

Leadership & Teams

Practices of an Agile Team

Fumihiko Kinoshita


Dominion North

Leadership & Teams

Agile Project Experiences – The Story Of Three Little Pigs

Craig Smith

Paul King

Dominion North

Leadership & Teams

Leadership Success Recipes for Agile in the 21st Century

Jean Tabaka

Chris Louvion

Dominion South

Leadership & Teams

The Leadership Imperative: Creating a Culture of Trust

Pollyanna Pixton



User Experience

Pragmatic Personas: Connecting With Developers Via TDD

David Hussman

