Tuesday Sessions: slot 3

The table below summarizes the sessions running on Tuesday 14:00-15:30
For more sessions see Previous | Next



Speaker 1

Speaker 2


Main Stage

Agile Estimating and Planning

Mike Cohn


Grand Ballroom (East)

Main Stage

Introduction to Lean Software Development

Alan Shalloway


Grand Ballroom (Center)

Main Stage

Ten Terrific Transition Tips

Joshua Kerievsky


Grand Ballroom (West)

Open Jam

create your own session at the conference

Tools for Agility

Maven and Continuum - building an ecosystem for Agile builds and testing

Christian Gruber


Sheraton Hall A

Tools for Agility

Mastering Selenium

John Tangney


Sheraton Hall B

Developer Jam

TDD Clinic: Ron & Chet

Chet Hendrickson

Ron Jeffries

Osgoode West

Developer Jam

Clean Code Clinic: Ugly Tic Tac Toe

Patrick Wilson-Welsh


Osgoode Foyer

Developer Jam

Advanced Test Patterns in C++

Bill Hanlon


Sheraton Hall C

Live Aid

participate in a real agile project at the conference


ET by Example: An exploratory testing experience

Erik Petersen




Styles of TDD: First Tests

Bill Wake

Naresh Jain


Committing to Quality

Build Analysis: Questions Answered, Questions Raised

Adam Goucher


Conf. D

Committing to Quality

Software is a Princess, Another Mattress Won't Help - Why Small Things Matter in Agile

Patrick Farley

Zak Tamsen

Conf. D

Research Stage

Stories, Sketches, and Lists: Developers and Interaction Designers Interacting Through Artefacts

Judith Brown, Gitte Lindgaard, Robert Biddle


Research Stage

Utilizing Digital Tabletops in Collocated Agile Planning Meetings

Xin Wang, Yaser Ghanam, Frank Maurer


Research Stage

Agile Methods and User-Centered Design: How These Two Methodologies Are Being Successfully Integrated In Industry

David Fox, Frank Maurer, Jonathan Silito


Learning & Education

The Agile Playground - Learning Games for the Agile Practitioner

Don McGreal

Michael McCullough

Conf. B

Learning & Education

Beer Miles! The Product Owner Simulation

Robin Dymond

David Douglas

Conf. C

Breaking Acts

Open Source Meets Agile - What can each teach the other?

Mary Poppendieck

Christian Reis

Osgoode East

Breaking Acts

Coaching self-organizing teams

Joseph Pelrine

Steve Freeman

Essex Ballroom

Breaking Acts

The Pomodoro Technique: can you focus - really focus - for 25 minutes?

Staffan Noteberg


Windsor East

Breaking Acts

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall... Why Me?

Portia Tung

Pascal Van Cauwenberghe

Windsor West

Questioning Agile

Big Ball of Mud

Brian Foote


Conference F

Chansons Françaises

Agile ?! ça ne marchera jamais chez nous !

François Bachmann



Agile & Organizational Culture

Storytelling Skills for Agile Teams

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock

Rachel Davies

City Hall

Agile & Organizational Culture

Agile Communities in Japan

Tsutomu Yasui

Yukie Kushida


Agile & Organizational Culture

Exposing the "devils" within - Agile taboos and other hurdles in a large organization

Jan-Erik Sandberg

Lars Arne Skår


Customers & Business Value

Business Value: Discovering what it is and what to do about it

Joseph Little


Civic Ballroom North

Customers & Business Value

Adventures in Agile Contracting: Evolving from Time and Materials to Fixed Price, Fixed Scope, Fixed Schedule Contracts

Teresa Franklin


Civic Ballroom South

Customers & Business Value

Requirements-Driven Workshops for Large Agile Projects: Essentials for Product, Release and Iteration Planning

Ellen Gottesdiener



Distributed Agile

Ambassador Model for Effectively Distributed Agile Teams

Giora Morein

George Schlitz

Conf. G

Distributed Agile

What Makes Distributed Agile Projects Succeed (or Fail)?

Chris Sims


Conf. H

Leadership & Teams

"Un-assessments" using Agile Evaluation Framework - actions by the teams, for the teams

William Krebs

Per Kroll, & Edward Richard

Dominion North

Leadership & Teams

Product management in an agile world

Steve Johnson


Dominion North

Leadership & Teams

Hiring For An Agile Team: Detecting Candidates Who Will Fit With the Team

Johanna Rothman


Dominion South

Leadership & Teams

Diana and Esther’s Excellent Retrospective Adventures

Diana Larsen

Esther Derby


User Experience

Agile and Paper Prototyping

Todd Zaki Warfel



User Experience

Secrets of a Sticky Note Ninja : Rapid Ideation and Problem-Solving with Post-It Notes

Kate Rutter

