Wednesday Sessions: slot 3

The table below summarizes the sessions running on Wednesday 14:00-15:30.
For more sessions see Previous | Next



Speaker 1

Speaker 2


Main Stage

Typical Pitfalls in Agile Software Development

Jutta Eckstein


Grand Ballroom (East)

Main Stages

Don't Sell Buzzwords to Business Leaders, Learn How to Describe and Demonstrate Real Value

Richard Sheridan

James Goebel

Grand Ballroom (Center)

Main Stage

Coaches Are Producers

David Hussman


Grand Ballroom (West)

Open Jam

create your own session at the conference

Tools for Agility

Pushing the boundaries of testing and Continuous Integration

Fabrizio Cannizzo

Robbie Clutton, Raghav Ramesh

Sheraton Hall A

Tools for Agility

Drifting Toward Invisibility: the transition to the electronic task board

Tom Perry


Sheraton Hall A

Tools for Agility

Migrating from SharePoint to a Better Scrum Tool

Edward Uy

Rene Rosendahl

Sheraton Hall A

Tools for Agility

Narrative Testing: Tools for Story Test Driven Development

Michael Phoenix

Rand Huso

Sheraton Hall B

Developer Jam

Refactoring Strategies & Tactics

Joshua Kerievsky


Osgoode East

Developer Jam

TDD Clinic: C++

James Grenning


Osgoode West

Developer Jam

Clean Code Clinic: Refactoring Fest

Naresh Jain


Osgoode Foyer

Developer Jam

Clean Systems: Clean Code at the Architecture Level

Dean Wampler


Sheraton Hall C

Live Aid

participate in a real agile project at the conference

Legacy Systems

Agile Automated Testing Strategies: Flipping the Testing Pyramid Right-Side-Up

Patrick Wilson-Welsh




How Am I Supposed To Act?

Michael Bolton

Adam Geras


Committing to Quality

Skills for the Agile Designer

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock


Conf. D

Learning & Education

Learning Collaboration and the Planning via the Process Game

Charles Suscheck


Conf. B

Learning & Education

Scrum Accelerator - The Game

Tim Walker


Conf. B

Learning & Education

Are we done yet?

Julie Chickering

Lisa Shoop

Conf. C

Breaking Acts

Come and Take It! Lean Pull Applied

Rod Coffin

Don McGreal

Essex Ballroom

Breaking Acts

Agile and labour turnover - Should I stay or should I go?

Nicole Belilos

Willem van den Ende

Windsor East

Breaking Acts

The Doctor is "In" - Using the Office Hours Concept to Make Limited Resources Most Effective

Andrea Leszek

Catherine Courage

Windsor West

Breaking Acts

Agile infrastructure and operations: how infra-gile are you?

Patrick Debois


Windsor West

Questioning Agile

Why Business Isn't Agile

Kevin Brennan


Conference F

Questioning Agile

When Agile Estimating is not Sufficient - Five Collaborative Techniques to use for Estimating Software Projects Up Front

Kjetil Moløkken-Østvold


Conference F

Questioning Agile

Agile in Practice: What is ACTUALLY Going On Out There

Scott Ambler


Conference F

Chansons Françaises

Crossing Cultures

Esther Derby



Agile & Organizational

Becoming a fearless leader of change (to agile or any new idea) in your organization

Linda Rising

MaryLynn Manns

City Hall

Agile & Organizational

Dead Sheepdog: Ethical Dilemmas and Agile Software Development

Ken H. Judy

Steven "Doc" List


Agile & Organizational

Successful Agile Transitions: Using Appreciative Inquiry to Discover What Works

Ellen Gottesdiener



Customers & Business Value

Delivering Measurable Business Value with Scrum

Ryan Shriver


Civic Ballroom North

Customers & Business Value

Prioritizing Your Product Backlog

Mike Cohn


Civic Ballroom South

Customers & Business Value

Managing the Middle: Product Owners and the Politics of Backlog Management

Luke Hohmann



Distributed Agile

Agile development within a distributed team

Jamie Allsop


Conf. G

Distributed Agile

Updating "Patterns for Distributed Agile"

Keith Braithwaite


Conf. H

Leadership & Teams

Overhauling a Failed Project Using Out of the Box Scrum

Matthew D Edwards


Dominion North

Leadership & Teams

Agile Project Leadership - my top 10 value driven principles

Lynne Ralston


Dominion North

Leadership & Teams

Cowboys and Indians: Impacts of Cultural Diversity on Agile Teams

Janice Aston

Lionel Laroche, & Gerard Meszaros

Dominion North

Leadership & Teams

Metrics for Agility

Dan Rawsthorne


Dominion South

Leadership & Teams

Leading Volunteers with Agility

Mike Cottmeyer



User Experience

User Interface Design Studio

Jeff White

Jim Ungar


User Experience

User Experience Design and the Agile Development Process

Maryam Najafi

Len Toyoshiba


User Experience

Get in There, Mess Up & Find Shortcuts: A User Experience Journey

Josh Evnin

Marjorie Pries


User Experience

Using Persona with XP at LANDesk

David Broschinsky

Lisa Baker


Agile Vendors

Assembling a Real-Time Collaborative Development Platform in the Cloud

Charlie Rudd



Agile Vendors

Peer into the Crystal Ball: The Future of Agile Development in Visual Studio

Ajoy Krishnamoorthy

