Thursday Sessions: slot 1

The table below summarizes the sessions running on Thursday 08:30-10:00.
For more sessions see Previous | Next



Speaker 1

Speaker 2


Main Stage

Future Directions for Agile

David Anderson


Grand Ballroom (Center)

Main Stage

New arrows for the Agile quiver: Now that the team's head is in the game, how do you get their heart in?

Jim McCarthy


Grand Ballroom (West)

Open Jam

create your own session at the conference

Tools for Agility

Using Agile engineering tools and practices to achieve Organizational Change

Christian Gruber


Sheraton Hall A

Tools for Agility

Text-based Acceptance Testing using TextTest

Geoff Bache

Emily Bache

Sheraton Hall B

Developer Jam

Coding Contest

Christoph Steindl

Christian Federspiel

Osgoode East

Developer Jam

TDD Clinic: .Net and C#

David Starr


Osgoode West

Developer Jam

Automated Testing Clinic: Testing with a Purpose

Kay Johansen

Christian Hargraves

Osgoode Foyer

Developer Jam

Continuous Integration Clinic

Maciej Zawadzki



Developer Jam

Don't give up on mocking!

Szczepan Faber


Sheraton Hall C

Live Aid

participate in a real agile project at the conference

Legacy Systems

Agile Architecture IS Possible – You First Have to Believe!

Mark Isham



Legacy Systems

Technical Debt - How not to ignore it

Henrik Kniberg




Backing the Truth into a Corner

Keith Braithwaite



Committing to Quality

Using TDD with Concurrent Applications

Brett Schuchert

David Nunn

Conf. D

Committing to Quality

Paving the way for Agile Testing

Eric Jimmink


Conf. E

Committing to Quality

Agile Teams Require Agile QA: How we made it work

Kealy Opelt

Tracy Beeson

Conf. E

Learning & Education

Game Design Workshop

Hubert Smits


Conf. B

Learning & Education

Meta-Agile: Using Agile Methods to Deliver Agile Training

Mishkin Berteig


Conf. C

Breaking Acts

KFC Development - Finger Lickin' Good

Karl Scotland

Aaron Sanders

Essex Ballroom

Breaking Acts

Operating on the Creative Edge: Applying Improvisation Techniques in Agile

Jim York

Tobias Mayer

Windsor East

Breaking Acts

Beginner's Mind--The Zen of Agile

David Hussman

Jean Tabaka

Windsor West

Questioning Agile

That's Not Agile! Removing Religion From Software Development

Doug Bradbury


Conference F

Chansons Françaises

Vision Pluridisciplinaire: Générer une charte de projet en un jour, en enfermant des gens de point de vue divers dans une salle

Alain Désilets



Agile & Organizational Culture

Creating Cultures Where Agile Emerges

Pollyanna Pixton


City Hall

Agile & Organizational Culture

Refactoring of Cultural Smells

Orit Hazzan

Yael Dubinsky


Agile & Organizational Culture

Mr Agile Goes To Washington: The Impact of Politics on Agile Projects

Angela Martin

Rachel Davies


Customers & Business Value

User Story Mapping: making sense out of your user story backlog

Jeff Patton


Civic Ballroom North

Customers & Business Value

Get Your Agile Project Started on the Right Foot: Requirements and Architectural Envisioning

Scott Ambler


Civic Ballroom South

Customers & Business Value

User Stories and Use Cases? Sure, it even makes sense

Jamie Allsop


Civic Ballroom South

Distributed Agile

How to support a collaborative atmosphere in distributed projects?

Lars Arne Skår

Jan-Erik Sandberg

Conf. G

Leadership & Teams

Appraisals and Compensation: The Elephant in the Room

Mary Poppendieck


Dominion North

Leadership & Teams

The Software Project Manager's Bridge to Agility

Michele Sliger

Stacia Broderick

Dominion South

Leadership & Teams

What Makes Pairing Work?

George Dinwiddie



Leadership & Teams

The Secrets of High-Performance Agile Implementations

Gil Broza


Conf H

User Experience

Sketchboards and Prototypes: Agile methods for better and faster UX solutions

Dan Harrelson

Leah Buley


Agile Vendors

Building Process-Enabled Content Applications Using an Agile Development Platform

Andreas Dangl



Agile Vendors

Advancing Agile Application Delivery with Automation

Mike Jones



Agile Vendors

Scrum - Not Just For Developers Anymore

Melissa Meeker



Agile Vendors

Using Microsoft’s TFS and Net Objectives’ Lean-Agile Process Template to Drive Agile Projects From Business Value

Alan Shalloway



Agile Vendors

Exactly Where Did I Put that Business Value? It was Here a Minute Ago…

Matthew Van Vleet

